

I might have outwitted myself. My post entitled Vanna Depresses was a tongue-in-cheek look at the division between self-publishing and traditional publishing. But if you've never heard of a "vanity press" or a "hybrid publisher," then that post will probably seem a little obscure. So here's a quick primer... "Vanity press" is a term used within [...]

Vanna Depresses

Vanna Depresses

A lot of people have warned me to watch out for Vanna D. Just like her namesake on that long-running television game show, she's quite a make-up artist. Vanna D offers cosmetic assistance to self-published authors, promising them great results. I wouldn't be surprised if she struggles with her own self-esteem beneath that well-made-up surface, because almost every writer [...]

A Strange and Familiar Beat

A Strange and Familiar Beat

I launched my first novel today. It feels strange, and yet familiar. In my past life I ran a small software company. Product launches were the rhythm section for the whole company. Launch, upgrade, update, update ... Launch, upgrade, update, update ... that was the sound of software being released into the wild. Major launches were significant [...]

The Art of Awkwardly Authentic Self-Promotion

The Art of Awkwardly Authentic Self-Promotion

I am told that an author these days needs to be a master promoter -- a frequent blogger; a frenetic Tweeter; a "friend" to everyone and their dog, and to their dog's friends too; a member of multiple writing groups; a contributor to writers' forums; a reviewer of other authors'  works; a public speaker. In short, a [...]